
CI -VEC- 121 Constitution of India (भारताचे संविधान ) Syllabus


    CI-VEC 121 : Constitution of India
    Credits: 2 
    Marks: 50 (Internal Examination: 20 + External Examination: 30)

Learning Objectives: 

1. Understand the philosophy and making of the constitution of India. 

2. Understand the key features and Structure of the constitution of India. 

3. Analyze and Interpret major constitutional provisions of constitution of India.

Learning Outcomes:

   1. Students can identify and explain the fundamental principles and values enshrined in the constitution of India. 

   2. Students can understand the structure of governance enshrined in the constitution of India.

3. Students can apply analytical skills to interpret and discuss the constitution of India in the           context of contemporary social, political and legal issues.

Chapter 1. Basics of Indian Constitution 

                I) Conceptual understanding of Constitution 

                   II) Making of the Indian Constitution 

Chapter 2. Understanding Indian Constitution

                I) Philosophy of Indian Constitution

                   Il) Features of Indian Constitution

Chapter 3. Major Provisions in Indian Constitution 

                I) Fundamental Rights and Duties

                   II) Directive Principle of State Policies

Chapter 4. Foundation of Governance  

                I) Legislature and Executive

                   Il) Judiciary

Suggested Reading: 

Bakshi P M, The Constitution of India, 18th edition, Universal Lexis Nexis Publication,  New Delhi,2022. 

Choudhry Sujit, Khosla Madhav, Mehta Pratap Bhanu (ed), The Oxford Handbook of  The Indian Constitution, Oxford University Press edition, New Delhi,2016. 

Granville Austin, The Indian Constitution-Cornerstone of a Nation, Oxford Indian  Paperback, New Delhi, 2019. 

M. Laxmikant, Constitution of India, 1st edition, Cengage Learning India Private  Limited Publication, New Delhi, 2020. 

भारताचे संविधान, विधी व न्याय मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार, 2022.  

डॉ. कसबे रावसाहेब, डॉ. आंबेडकर आणि भारतीय राज्यघटना, सुगावा प्रकाशन, पुणे,  2017.  

डॉ. साठे सत्यरंजन, भारतीय राज्यघटनेची पन्नास वर्षे, कॉन्टटनेटटल प्रकाशन, पुणे, 2002.  

चपळगावकर नरेद्र, राज्यघटनेचे अधधशतक, मौज प्रकाशन गहृ, मुंबई, 2002. 

कश्यप सुभाष, हमारा संविधान, नॅशनल बूक ट्रस्ट इंडडया, मुंबई, 2017. 

 • कश्यप सुभाष, आपली संसद, नॅशनल बूक ट्रस्ट इंडडया, मुंबई, 2018.

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CI -VEC- 121 Constitution of India (भारताचे संविधान ) Syllabus CI -VEC- 121 Constitution of India (भारताचे संविधान ) Syllabus Reviewed by Rajiv Pawar on 12:42 PM Rating: 5

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