
Reference List

B. A.  Semester- I & II
Politics In India After Independence

Books Recommended
  1.  Bipin Chandra , Mridula Mukherjee and Aditya Mukherjee, 2000, India after Independence                (1947-2000), Penguin Books, Delhi.
  2. Ramachandra Guha, 2007, India After Gandhi, History of the World’s Largest Democracy, Picador India, Delhi
  3. Niraja Gopal Jayal(ed.), 2001, Democracy in India, Oxford University Press, Delhi.

B. A.  Semester- I & II
The Constitutional Framework of India

Books Recommended
  1. Granville Austin, 1999, Working a Democratic Constitution: The Indian Experience, Oxford      University Press, Delhi.
  2. Basu D. D.,2001(23rd Edition) Introduction to Constitution of India, LexisNexis, Delhi 

Reference List Reference List Reviewed by Rajiv Pawar on 12:08 PM Rating: 5


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